Near the top-left of the window, you should see an icon of files stacked onto one another. Open VSCode, and you should be presented with a welcome page. I recommend using an existing folder, or creating a new folder dedicated to CSE 232 content. Preparing VSCode for C++ĭownload and install the Stable version of Visual Studio Code here. You probably won’t use the clang or clang++ command again from this point onwards. To test that you have Clang installed, open Terminal and use the following command: You may already have this installed, if you had been working with terminal features before this class. The easiest way to get a C++ compiler is to use Apple’s provided Xcode tools, which comes packaged with a compiler called “Clang”. I recommend taking the time to update your system now if you are below version 10.13. You can check your MacOS version by clicking the Apple logo at the top-left, and selecting “About This Mac”. The following tutorial assumes you are running on MacOS version 10.13 (High Sierra) or later, but it’s possible that this tutorial may still work on older versions - we simply have no way of testing. You guys have everything we need packed into a single terminal command, provided by the Apple developers.

Much of the Windows tutorial is spent just getting the Windows operating system setup with a “psuedo Linux environment”, called Windows Subsystem for Linux. Why do you guys have it so easy? Well, MacOS is based on the Unix OS family, and so you already have full access to Linux command-line tools - Windows users do not have this luxury. Congratulations on having a Mac! You guys most definitely have the easiest setup of the three (really, two) operating systems we provide tutorials for.