
Ata 2200 pdf
Ata 2200 pdf

ata 2200 pdf ata 2200 pdf

UltraXML support all elements of information needed to identify the CMM document. UltraXML supports the requirements of the Airbus A340 & A380 SGML business rules which can be easily modified to support any Aircraft and or Component Manufacture requirements without having to use any programming requirements. ATA iSpec 2200 is a global aviation industry standard for the content, structure, and electronic exchange of aircraft engineering and maintenance information. ABSTRACT This standard specifies the AT Attachment command set used to communicate between host systems and storage devices. Operational TestWarning : make sure thathidraulic systems are notpressurizedA.UltraXML ATA iSpec 2200 stylesheet supports the authoring, formatting and publishing requirements specified by the ATA iSpec 2200 Component Maintenance Manual (CMM) DTDs. Working Draft ATA/ATAPI Command Set - 3 (ACS-3) iii Secretariat Information Technology Industry Council Approved mm.dd.yy American National Standards Institute, Inc.

ata 2200 pdf

Total Sign-off FLAP INTERCONNECTING STRUT – INSPECT SerialNumber UNI Number FTN Q t y Description SPECIALCONDITIONS(Entry conditionsdiffer from check-defaults) Other: Flaps 30 degreesSKILLS Categories: 38 REFERENCE AMTOSS Task: 27-51-44-200-001Source Requirement: Periodicity: 1AĬompliance Plan: Warranty-in-Effect: YESOther References: N/AElectrical Power: YESHydraulic Power: YESPneumatic Power: N/AFuel Load: N/A On the maintenance panel 285VU ,push the pushbutton switch. Intelligent Graphics Exchange (IGEXCHANGE)Ī unique source of information ….Power Plant Build-up Manual Illustrated Parts List.Illustrated Tool and Equipment Manual (ITEM).Fault Reporting and Fault Isolation Manual (FRM/FIM).Engine Parts Configuration Management Section (EPCM).Engine Illustrated Parts Catalog (EIPC) Ata 2200 Spec.Engine Cleaning Inspection and Repair Manual (CIR).Component Maintenance Manual Parts List (CMMIPL).Aircraft Illustrated Parts Catalog (AIPC).

Ata 2200 pdf